Sunday, September 30, 2012

Been A Busy Girl

Many apologies for ignoring my blog for so long. It wasn't my intention. I didn't have my usual inspiration and a major trip this summer forced me to curb my shopping habits early on so I could save some extra cash. Even though I may be a Shopaholic, I do my best to be financially responsible. A two week trip to Wales and England this summer was quite an expensive undertaking but one that was well worth it. The down side is it cost a lot of money so shopping habits had to be downsized and I forced myself to stay out of malls and shops for months! I could have still blogged during that time, goodness knows I have enough material saved up to keep going. Truth is I was just lazy. I promise that has changed and I will do my best to keep up with regular blog posts. I love getting comments, tweets and Facebook comments from the people who take the time to read my blog and I promise not to disappoint you.
Good news is my summer trip has provided me with a ton of material. I will work on doing a few posts about my shopping excursions in the UK. It was my first time there and I loved it. I can't think of too many other places where I've come home with four pairs of shoes in my carry on!
If you are a member of the Not A Shopaholic Facebook page then you have already seen some of the photos. I will post them here as well and tell you how I came across all these great finds.
As always thanks for reading!


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